forallpeople documentation

“For all time. For all people.” - Nicolas de Caritat (Marquis de Condorcet), in regards to the metric system (now the SI system)

forallpeople is a Python library for representing the SI base units to enable easy-to-use, units-aware calculations. In addition to the SI base units, forallpeople can be used to represent units which are defined by the SI unit system, such as US Customary units.


pip install forallpeople

A Simple Example#

import forallpeople as si

g = 9.81 * si.m/si.s**2
m = 3500 *
force = m * g
34.335 kN


  • Rich representations for use in Jupyter (HTML, Latex, plain-text)

  • Units display as conventional symbols by default

  • Units “auto-reduce” based upon the unit environment

  • Auto-scaling of SI derived units and base units (e.g. 1100 Hz -> 1.1 kHz)

  • Conversion between units defined in your environment

  • Custom unit environments for defining US, imperial, and derived SI unit options

  • Interactive imports to push unit names into the top level namespace

  • Immutable, hashable instances
