Source code for forallpeople

The SI Units: "For all people, for all time"

A module to model the seven SI base units:


            cd               m

         mol                    s

               K           A

  ...and other derived and non-SI units for practical calculations.

#    Copyright 2020 Connor Ferster

#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#    You may obtain a copy of the License at


#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#    limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

__version__ = "2.7.1"

from fractions import Fraction
from typing import Union, Optional
from forallpeople.dimensions import Dimensions
import forallpeople.physical_helper_functions as phf
import forallpeople.tuplevector as vec
from forallpeople.environment import Environment
import math
import builtins
import sys
import warnings

NUMBER = (int, float)

[docs] class Physical(object): """ A class that defines any physical quantity that can be described within the BIPM SI unit system. """ __slots__ = ("value", "dimensions", "factor", "precision", "prefixed") def __init__( self, value: float, dimensions: Dimensions, factor: float, precision: int = 3, prefixed: str = "", ): """Constructor""" super(Physical, self).__setattr__("value", float(value)) super(Physical, self).__setattr__("dimensions", dimensions) super(Physical, self).__setattr__("factor", factor) super(Physical, self).__setattr__("precision", precision) super(Physical, self).__setattr__("prefixed", prefixed) ### API Methods ### @property def latex(self) -> str: return self._repr_latex_() @property def html(self) -> str: return self._repr_html_()
[docs] def prefix(self, prefixed: str = "") -> Physical: """ Return a Physical instance with 'prefixed' property set to 'prefix' if 'prefixed' is set to "unity" then the unit will be forced into its unprefixed state. """ if self.factor != 1: raise AttributeError( "Cannot set a prefix on a Physical if it has a factor." ) # check if eligible for prefixing; do not rely on __repr__ to ignore it return Physical( self.value, self.dimensions, self.factor, self.precision, prefixed )
@property def repr(self) -> str: """ Returns a traditional Python string representation of the Physical instance. """ repr_str = ( "Physical(value={}, dimensions={}, factor={:.5}, precision={}, prefixed={})" ) factor = float(self.factor) if self.factor == 1: repr_str = "Physical(value={}, dimensions={}, factor={}, precision={}, prefixed={})" factor = 1 return repr_str.format( self.value, self.dimensions, factor, self.precision, self.prefixed ) # check def round(self, n: int): """ Returns a new Physical with a new precision, 'n'. Precision controls the number of decimal places displayed in repr and str. """ warnings.warn( "Using .round() is going to be deprecated. " "Use Python's built-in round() function instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) return round(self, n)
[docs] def split(self, base_value: bool = True) -> tuple: """ Returns a tuple separating the value of `self` with the units of `self`. If base_value is True, then the value will be the value in base units. If False, then the apparent value of `self` will be used. This method is to allow flexibility in working with Physical instances when working with numerically optimized libraries such as numpy which cannot accept non-numerical objects in some of their operations (such as in matrix inversion). """ if base_value: return ( self.value * float(self.factor), Physical( 1 / float(self.factor), self.dimensions, self.factor, self.precision ), ) return (float(self), Physical(1, self.dimensions, self.factor, self.precision))
def sqrt(self, n: Union[int, float] = 2): """ Returns a Physical instance that represents the square root of `self`. `n` can be set to an alternate number to compute an alternate root (e.g. 3.0 for cube root) """ return self ** (1 / n)
[docs] def to(self, unit_name="") -> Optional[Physical]: """ Returns a Physical instance representing self converted into one of the available conversion units for its dimension. If .to() is called without any arguments, then it will return None and instead print a list of available conversion units. """ dims = self.dimensions env_dims = environment.units_by_dimension derived = env_dims()["derived"] defined = env_dims()["defined"] power, dims_orig = phf._powers_of_derived(dims, env_dims) if not unit_name: print("Available units to convert to: ") for key in derived.get(dims_orig, {}): print(key) for key in defined.get(dims_orig, {}): print(key) if unit_name: defined_match = defined.get(dims_orig, {}).get(unit_name, {}) derived_match = derived.get(dims_orig, {}).get(unit_name, {}) unit_match = defined_match or derived_match if not unit_match: warnings.warn(f"No unit defined for '{unit_name}' on {self}.") new_factor = unit_match.get("Factor", 1) ** Fraction(power) return Physical(self.value, self.dimensions, new_factor, self.precision)
def si(self): """ Return a new Physical instance with self.factor set to 1, thereby returning the instance to SI units display. """ return Physical(self.value, self.dimensions, 1, self.precision) ### repr Methods (the "workhorse" of Physical) ### def __repr__(self): return self._repr_template_() def _repr_html_(self): return self._repr_template_(template="html") def _repr_markdown_(self): return self._repr_template_(template="html") def _repr_latex_(self): return self._repr_template_(template="latex") def _repr_template_(self, template: str = "", format_spec="") -> str: """ Returns a string that appropriately represents the Physical instance. The parameter,'template', allows two optional values: 'html' and 'latex'. which will only be utilized if the Physical exists in the Jupyter/iPython environment. """ if not format_spec: format_spec = f".{self.precision}f" dims = self.dimensions factor = self.factor val = self.value prefix = "" prefixed = self.prefixed kg_bool = False # Access external environment env_fact = environment.units_by_factor or dict() env_dims = environment.units_by_dimension or dict() # Do the expensive vector math method (call once, only) power, dims_orig = phf._powers_of_derived(dims, env_dims) # Determine if there is a symbol for these dimensions in the environment # and if the quantity is eligible to be prefixed # mod_factor is either the original factor or the new default factor # if a default look-up was triggered symbol, prefix_bool, mod_factor = phf._evaluate_dims_and_factor( dims_orig, factor, power, env_fact, env_dims ) factor = mod_factor float_factor = float(factor) # Get the appropriate prefix if prefix_bool and prefixed == "unity": prefix = "" if dims_orig == Dimensions(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0): kg_bool = True elif prefix_bool and prefixed: prefix = prefixed elif prefix_bool and dims_orig == Dimensions(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0): kg_bool = True prefix = phf._auto_prefix(val, power, kg=kg_bool) elif prefix_bool: prefix = phf._auto_prefix(val, power, kg=kg_bool) # Format the exponent (may not be used, though) exponent = phf._format_exponent(power, repr_format=template) # Format the units if not symbol and phf._dims_basis_multiple(dims): components = phf._get_unit_components_from_dims(dims) units_symbol = phf._get_unit_string(components, repr_format=template) units = units_symbol units = phf._format_symbol(prefix, units_symbol, repr_format=template) exponent = "" elif not symbol: components = phf._get_unit_components_from_dims(dims) units_symbol = phf._get_unit_string(components, repr_format=template) units = units_symbol exponent = "" else: units = phf._format_symbol(prefix, symbol, repr_format=template) # Determine the appropriate display value value = val * float_factor if prefix_bool: # If the quantity has a "pre-fixed" prefix, it will override # the value generated in _auto_prefix_value value = phf._auto_prefix_value(val, power, prefix, kg_bool) pre_super = "" post_super = "" space = " " pre_inline = "" post_inline = "" if template == "latex": space = r"\ " pre_super = "^{" post_super = "}" pre_inline = "$" post_inline = "$" elif template == "html": space = " " pre_super = "<sup>" post_super = "</sup>" if not exponent: pre_super = "" post_super = "" formatted_value = f"{value:{format_spec}}" if "e" in format_spec.lower(): formatted_value = phf.format_scientific_notation( formatted_value, template=template ) return f"{pre_inline}{formatted_value}{space}{units}{pre_super}{exponent}{post_super}{post_inline}" ### "Magic" Methods ### def __float__(self): value = self.value factor = float(self.factor) if factor != 1.0: return value * factor kg_bool = False dims = self.dimensions env_dims = environment.units_by_dimension or dict() power, _ = phf._powers_of_derived(dims, env_dims) dim_components = phf._get_unit_components_from_dims(dims) if len(dim_components) == 1 and dim_components[0][0] == "kg": kg_bool = True if self.prefixed: prefix = self.prefixed else: prefix = phf._auto_prefix(value, power, kg_bool) float_value = phf._auto_prefix_value(value, power, prefix, kg_bool) return float_value def __int__(self): return int(float(self)) def __neg__(self): return self * -1 def __abs__(self): if self.value < 0: return self * -1 return self def __bool__(self): return True def __format__(self, format_spec=""): template = "" if "L" in format_spec: template = "latex" format_spec = format_spec.replace("L", "") elif "H" in format_spec: template = "html" format_spec = format_spec.replace("H", "") return self._repr_template_(template=template, format_spec=format_spec) def __hash__(self): return hash( (self.value, self.dimensions, self.factor, self.precision, self.prefixed) ) def __round__(self, n=0): return Physical(self.value, self.dimensions, self.factor, n, self.prefixed) def __contains__(self, other): return False def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, NUMBER): return math.isclose(self.value, other) elif type(other) == str: return False elif isinstance(other, Physical) and self.dimensions == other.dimensions: return math.isclose(self.value, other.value) else: raise ValueError( "Can only compare between Physical instances of equal dimension." ) def __gt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, NUMBER): return self.value > other elif isinstance(other, Physical) and self.dimensions == other.dimensions: return self.value > other.value else: raise ValueError( "Can only compare between Physical instances of equal dimension." ) def __ge__(self, other): if isinstance(other, NUMBER): return self.value >= other elif isinstance(other, Physical) and self.dimensions == other.dimensions: return self.value >= other.value else: raise ValueError( "Can only compare between Physical instances of equal dimension." ) def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, NUMBER): return self.value < other elif isinstance(other, Physical) and self.dimensions == other.dimensions: return self.value < other.value else: raise ValueError( "Can only compare between Physical instances of equal dimension." ) def __le__(self, other): if isinstance(other, NUMBER): return self.value <= other elif isinstance(other, Physical) and self.dimensions == other.dimensions: return self.value <= other.value else: raise ValueError( "Can only compare between Physical instances of equal dimension." ) def __add__(self, other): if other != other: # Test for nans return other if isinstance(other, Physical): if self.dimensions == other.dimensions: try: return Physical( self.value + other.value, self.dimensions, self.factor, self.precision, self.prefixed, ) except: raise ValueError( f"Cannot add between {self} and {other}: " + ".value attributes are incompatible." ) else: raise ValueError( f"Cannot add between {self} and {other}: " + ".dimensions attributes are incompatible (not equal)" ) else: try: other = other / float(self.factor) return Physical( self.value + other, self.dimensions, self.factor, self.precision, self.prefixed, ) except: raise ValueError( f"Cannot add between {self} and {other}: " + ".value attributes are incompatible." ) def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other) def __iadd__(self, other): raise ValueError( "Cannot incrementally add Physical instances because they are immutable." + " Use 'a = a + b', to make the operation explicit." ) def __sub__(self, other): if other != other: # Test for nans return other if isinstance(other, Physical): if self.dimensions == other.dimensions: try: return Physical( self.value - other.value, self.dimensions, self.factor, self.precision, self.prefixed, ) except: raise ValueError(f"Cannot subtract between {self} and {other}") else: raise ValueError( f"Cannot subtract between {self} and {other}:" + ".dimensions attributes are incompatible (not equal)" ) else: try: other = other / float(self.factor) return Physical( self.value - other, self.dimensions, self.factor, self.precision, self.prefixed, ) except: raise ValueError( f"Cannot subtract between {self} and {other}: " + ".value attributes are incompatible." ) def __rsub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Physical): return self.__sub__(other) else: try: other = other / float(self.factor) return Physical( other - self.value, self.dimensions, self.factor, self.precision, self.prefixed, ) except: raise ValueError( f"Cannot subtract between {self} and {other}: " + ".value attributes are incompatible." ) def __isub__(self, other): raise ValueError( "Cannot incrementally subtract Physical instances because they are immutable." + " Use 'a = a - b', to make the operation explicit." ) def __mul__(self, other): if other != other: # Test for nans return other elif isinstance(other, NUMBER): return Physical( self.value * other, self.dimensions, self.factor, self.precision, self.prefixed, ) elif isinstance(other, Physical): new_dims = vec.add(self.dimensions, other.dimensions) new_power, new_dims_orig = phf._powers_of_derived( new_dims, environment.units_by_dimension ) new_factor = self.factor * other.factor test_factor = phf._get_units_by_factor( new_factor, new_dims_orig, environment.units_by_factor, new_power ) # if not test_factor: # print(new_factor) # new_factor = 1 try: new_value = self.value * other.value except: raise ValueError( f"Cannot multiply between {self} and {other}: " + ".value attributes are incompatible." ) if new_dims == Dimensions(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0): return new_value else: return Physical(new_value, new_dims, new_factor, self.precision) else: try: return Physical( self.value * other, self.dimensions, self.factor, self.precision ) except: raise ValueError( f"Cannot multiply between {self} and {other}: " + ".value attributes are incompatible." ) def __imul__(self, other): raise ValueError( "Cannot incrementally multiply Physical instances because they are immutable." + " Use 'a = a * b' to make the operation explicit." ) def __rmul__(self, other): return self.__mul__(other) def __truediv__(self, other): if other != other: # Test for nans return other elif isinstance(other, NUMBER): return Physical( self.value / other, self.dimensions, self.factor, self.precision, self.prefixed, ) elif isinstance(other, Physical): new_dims = vec.subtract(self.dimensions, other.dimensions) new_power, new_dims_orig = phf._powers_of_derived( new_dims, environment.units_by_dimension ) new_factor = self.factor / other.factor # if not phf._get_units_by_factor( # new_factor, new_dims_orig, environment.units_by_factor, new_power # ): # new_factor = 1 try: new_value = self.value / other.value except: raise ValueError( f"Cannot divide between {self} and {other}: " + ".value attributes are incompatible." ) if new_dims == Dimensions(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0): return new_value else: return Physical(new_value, new_dims, new_factor, self.precision) else: try: return Physical( self.value / other, self.dimensions, self.factor, self.precision ) except: raise ValueError( f"Cannot divide between {self} and {other}: " + ".value attributes are incompatible." ) def __rtruediv__(self, other): if other != other: # Test for nans return other if isinstance(other, NUMBER): new_value = other / self.value new_dimensions = vec.multiply(self.dimensions, -1) new_factor = self.factor**-1 # added new_factor return Physical( new_value, new_dimensions, new_factor, # updated from self.factor to new_factor self.precision, ) else: try: return Physical( other / self.value, vec.multiply(self.dimensions, -1), self.factor**-1, # updated to ** -1 self.precision, ) except: raise ValueError( f"Cannot divide between {other} and {self}: " + ".value attributes are incompatible." ) def __itruediv__(self, other): raise ValueError( "Cannot incrementally divide Physical instances because they are immutable." + " Use 'a = a / b' to make the operation explicit." ) def __pow__(self, other): if other != other: # Test for nans return other if isinstance(other, NUMBER): if self.prefixed: return float(self) ** other new_value = self.value**other new_dimensions = vec.multiply(self.dimensions, other) new_factor = phf.fraction_pow(self.factor, other) if new_dimensions == Dimensions(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0): return float(new_value * new_factor) return Physical(new_value, new_dimensions, new_factor, self.precision) else: raise ValueError( "Cannot raise a Physical to the power of \ another Physical -> ({self}**{other})".format( self, other ) )
# The seven SI base units... _the_si_base_units = { "kg": Physical(1, Dimensions(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 1), "m": Physical(1, Dimensions(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 1), "s": Physical(1, Dimensions(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), 1), "A": Physical(1, Dimensions(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), 1), "cd": Physical(1, Dimensions(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), 1), "K": Physical(1, Dimensions(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), 1), "mol": Physical(1, Dimensions(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), 1), } environment = Environment(Physical, builtins, _the_si_base_units) environment._push_vars(_the_si_base_units, sys.modules[__name__])